The Three Key Stages of Video Production

Below is a quick overview of the main stages of the Video Production process. Regardless of whether it’s a 30 second social media promo, a documentary piece or series of employee orientation videos, these stages stay the same.

Pre Production

A.k.a paperwork, paperwork, paperwork! 

Pre-production is the unsung hero of the video production process – It’s where the magic begins, turning a set of ideas into a piece of content. Think of it as the blueprint of your video project, where thorough preparation sets the stage for everything that follows.

1. Concept Development & Ideation

Pre-production starts off the process of bringing all the ideas for your video together to form a plan of action for your project. It is important to be as thorough as possible at this stage as every detail decided here has a direct impact on the content we produce. This documentation typically includes project briefs, concept proposals, and initial creative treatments. These documents are useful as a reference point throughout the production process..

2. Scriptwriting & Storyboarding

A script is written and running order drawn up. The script acts as the blueprint for your video, outlining the dialogue & visuals to be shown on screen. Alongside this storyboards will be produced (if required), to provide a visual aid for the client & production team.

3. Planning & Co-ordination

With the script and storyboards taking shape we start to organise the background logistics of the production.

If we need to source specific filming locations, we’ll be looking at how they fit in with the creative, kit / crew access, lighting conditions, and any potential sound issues.

Schedules are drawn up to coordinate the crew and cast / contributors, ensuring that everyone knows where they need to be and when. Kit – cameras, lenses, lighting rigs, sound gear etc – is sourced from in-house resources & rental houses as needed.

We’ll look to obtain any necessary permits & permissions for shooting, especially if public spaces are involved, and ensure all location agreements are signed and filed. Ensuring these kind of elements are thoroughly addressed in pre-production helps prevent potential delays further down the line during filming.


This is where the all important planning during pre-production comes together – where the heart of the action is.

Setting up the shot

When we get to the studio or on location we start by preparing the camera equipment, setting the lighting, and arranging the set. Attention to detail here is crucial & what we do at this stage ensures the correct the mood and tone for your video.

Camera Speed!

Now that everything’s ready, it’s time for the main event – pressing record on the camera! Each shot is carefully framed and captured, following the plan laid out in pre-production.

It’s important to stick to the script but also remain flexible. The production phase is dynamic and, occasionally, unpredictable. Despite careful planning, things can go awry – e.g weather changes, un-expected noise etc. The key is to stay adaptable and keep a cool head. Problem solving on the fly is part of the process, and every challenge is an opportunity to innovate and improve.

Although being on set can be a little confusing to someone unfamiliar with the process (for example scenes from a script are usually shot ‘out of order’ & there’s a unique language to describe various bits of kit), watching a professional crew working to create the visuals that will be used in your video is a great experience.

Post Production

Post production is where we bring together of all the elements of your project to form the finished video.

The raw footage from the shoot is loaded onto our edit systems and work starts on assembling your video as per the script / storyboards drawn up in pre-production.

Graphics are created and added as well as any required music / voiceover elements. 

Your feedback is sought and changes made as needed.

When the edit is signed off the final stages, grading the images and completing the audio mix, are completed.

Fettle Digital – Your Trustworthy Video Production Partner

Creating effective video assets requires a strategic approach, a thourough understanding of your brand, and a commitment to quality.

When you’re ready to take your video content to the next level, Fettle Digital is here to help.

Fill out our contact form here, or drop us an e-mail at

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