How To Get More Customers With Video Marketing

Video marketing is a great way to reach your target audience. While video content has grown in popularity, it’s not always easy to turn that content into new customers and revenue streams.

In this blog post, we’ll go over some ways you can leverage the power of video to grow your business:

Set Clear Video Marketing Goals for Success

What is it that you want to accomplish with your video content? Once you’ve decided what you’re trying to achieve, it’ll be easier for an agency like mine to help you meet those objectives and maximize the potential of video as a marketing strategy.

Next let’s talk about length(!)

As always it’s important to think about the length of your video content based on who you’re targeting, what channel they’ll be consuming your content on and how long they’ll have available to view it.

The mantra used to be that videos needed to run between 30 seconds and 2 minutes in order for them not lose a viewers’ attention, but this is no longer necessarily the case.

Today people are much more likely to watch an entire three minute piece than they were ten years ago, thanks to factors such as increased internet speeds and higher levels of online activity.

How do you want to distribute your content?

Different social media channels have different video length limits, which means that you should decide what platforms you want to use before writing your video scripts.

In order to get as much potential out of a piece of content as possible you need to be thinking about, and planning for, how it will be consumed across different channels.

In a recent client project that was used across Instagram, Facebook, X (formally Twitter) & TikTok we wrote the script and structured the content so it could be cut down and adapted for each individual channel to make sure the content reached as far as possible.

Trying to do this ‘after the fact’ & attempting to ‘shoe-horn’ content into different formats after its been filmed can be a stumbling block.

Ensure Each Video in Your Marketing Strategy Has a Clear Purpose

It might be tempting just to throw together any old video and publish it online as soon as possible, but this approach isn’t always going to work out well.

You need your audience not only watching the film but also taking away something from their viewing. if something looks haphazard or rushed that will not create a positive feeling for the viewer or give them the sense that they are seeing something of value.

Creating Purposeful Content is the Key to Effective Video Marketing

It’s about publishing content which serves a purpose and has your audience in mind. So what does this mean? It means making sure you have a crystal clear idea of who your target demographic is before planning your content.

This will allow you to focus on the most relevant topics or messages for the needs and interests of your audience so that they will be more likely to take heed of whatever call-to-action might follow at the end of the video (e.g filling out a contact form, giving you a call etc).

The second part of this approach – beyond having relevant content that ‘serves a purpose’ – involves structuring your video to be as easy to follow and understand as possible.

This means considering how you will best showcase your message in terms of length, visuals, structure, subject matter etc so that it’s easy for anyone viewing the video to ‘pick up’ what it’s about.

One More Strategy Tip…

Prepare a content calendar outlining what videos you’ll publish over time – e.g product videos, tutorials, testimonials, client focus etc – with scheduled topics and deadlines which can then be used in conjunction with other marketing campaigns & themes such as email outreach or social media posts

Fettle Digital supports brands all over the UK

Fettle Digital can help companies across the UK to increase their brand awareness, and drive conversions from their audience.

When you’re ready to take your video content to the next level, Fettle Digital is here to help.

Fill out our contact form here, or drop us an e-mail at

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